Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For Bold Outfits Use Complementary Colors

Christmas is the time of year full of contradictions.

It's the season of giving as well as receiving. We have two figures representing Christmas, an old man (Santa) and a young baby (Jesus). You're both happy and unhappy to see your family. It's the time to stay in and the time to go out.

Let's not forget the colors Red and Green.

Since when did those two colors go together? It's not often that you see someone wearing red and green at the same time. They seem too bold to wear together, too great of a contrast. But for some reason it works?

Well to give a quick explanation of how red and green work together, they are complementary colors.

Complementary colors are when you take the three primary colors, RED YELLOW BLUE, and you put them together with their opposites, GREEN PURPLE ORANGE.

If you're interested here is a quick explanation of why these are complementary colors. If not, skip to the next paragraph. You choose one primary color, in this case Red. Then you take the other primary colors, yellow and blue, and mix them together. That creates Green. Taking the two opposite primary colors to create an entirely new opposite color is what makes it complementary. For more, go to the wikipedia page on complementary colors.

Complementary colors, though opposite, are used a lot in art and create amazing, bold art. They really pop when used together. Here are some examples:

Red and Green (Painting)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Save a Buck, Great Finds at the Dollarstore!

This might sound surprising, but one of my favorite stores is THE DOLLAR STORE. 

I understand, this is weird and so not fashionable. It's probably one of the most tacky things ever.

However, I think people under estimate how wonderful the dollar store really can be. It's a great way to save money and get little things that you might want or need. Plus, it's great for this time of year with trying to save money, but still be fashionable as well as giving.

Here are some of the best finds at the dollar store. Specifically I'm going to be talking about The Dollar Tree.

1. Gift Decoration Products

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Trend on Campus: Scarves

Kean University is a very fashionable school. Everywhere you look on campus, whether it is down Cougar Walk, in the STEM building, or at the Cougar's Den in the University Center, you'll notice something. Look around at almost every girl, maybe occasionally some fashionable guys too, and you'll see it around their neck. It's the SCARF. Yes, this trend is all round campus during this cold fall season and is sure to last into winter.

“It's the thing right now,” says sophomore Adrienne Middleton. Toma Korgee, senior, agrees, “Big scarves are the must accessory. I love scarves.”
The great thing about scarves is that they are an accessory that is cheap, versatile and reusable. They can make a plain outfit become dressy with just that one addition. It's like the recipe to become an instantly fashionable person. Want to be fashionable? Just add a scarf!
Scarves come in many different materials, sizes, colors, patterns and more! If you want to you can use a scarf as a wrap for your shoulders, a belt for your waist, or a hair accessory. It's a must buy because it saves you money and they are useful in so many ways.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Victoria's Secret 2012: 13 Craziest Outfits on the Runaway

I think that is it so awesome that we, Broke College Fashionistas, can now watch runway shows that we normally couldn't for free on TV! Isn't that amazing? Saving money while still being fashionable and with the times!

So I was watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show with my roommates and for the most part I really enjoyed it.

The performances were done well overall. Even with Rihanna obviously lip singing, her stage presence, outfit, gestures and overall stage performance on the first song KILLED IT! My favorite of the night. Bruno Mars was amazing and entertaining, unsurprisingly. The Bieber's second performance was pretty good and got me interested. However, Justin Bieber's first performance where he was sitting and singing was kinda random and awkward, but it was nice to stare at his defined-no-longer-a-boy-but-not-quite-a-man face for a while. Rihanna's last song wasn't very good. I wasn't impressed. The most I was impressed with was her smacking a model's butt on the runway. Rihanna, you're a thug.

Going back to my like of Rihanna's first performance, I think a big part of it was the camera shots going on while she performed. Shots of the show were really artistic and absolutely breath taking. Whoever shot the fashion show knew exactly what he or she was doing. They were beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, so were the models! I have a big crush on Miranda Kerr, along with most of the Victoria Secret models. Girl crushes are okay ladies. Having crushes on girls shows that you appreciate beauty and are confident enough in your sexuality that you are able to admit to having crushes on women when you actually like men. At least that is how I like to think of it. haha!

Now onto the outfits. Most of the outfits were absolutely gorgeous. I'm so jealous that these women get to wear such beautiful outfits, as skimpy as they may be. My favorite was the blue bra and panty set with beautiful jewel embellished wings worn by Magdalena Frackowiak.

However, there were a few outfits I was very. very happy to not have to wear. They were crazy even for Jersey girls. At least this Jersey girl. Maybe the girl's on "Jersey Shore" would love to wear them. But no, just no.

Monday, December 3, 2012

DIY is becoming more prevalent, FYI

By Brigit Bauma

A mother walking through Jersey Gardens Mall pulls her daughter away from the GUESS store full of shoes. The daughter has a look of longing on her face while the mother has a look of disdain. “I am not paying $200 for shoes just because they has studs on them when you can buy the same thing for $20 without the studs,” says the mother.

Taking a walk over to look at the display, it did look like a normal, everyday boot found in any woman’s closet. The only difference is the addition of round silver studs.

As the women leave, the daughter comments on the boots being “so cute,” prompting the mother to say, “Take a hot glue gun and glue some studs on your old boots.”

This scenario seems to be becoming more and more prevalent with today's economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment is still around 8 percent, with New Jersey at almost 10 percent. All the while the Price Consumer Index shows prices constantly increasing. Less jobs being available and 
prices rising causes everyone to try to save some money.

With the decline in the economy people are turning to do-it-yourself (DIY) projects rather than going out and buying high priced goods. They want to save money, but still want the look and effect of those “luxury” items.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Do It Yourself Projects

Whether you are trying to save the environment or a few bucks, Do It Yourself (DIY) projects are the hot new trend. Read this article to see why!

Until next time! XOXOXO

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Student Discounts: Your Student Id Can Save Your Wallet

It's that time of year again where people fight over that last furby for their children or go out shopping all day, driving from one location to the next.

All of this shopping, traveling, and having to buy fast food for lunch really takes a toll on your wallet.

Well guess what college students? You're in luck! There are some amazing places to go shopping and save money.

"How oh wonderful wizard Broke College Fashionista?" you ask. Thank you, by the way for those lovely compliments. With a little friend called your Student Id.

Yes your Student Id can save you money in a few different ways. You can use it in stores, on your cell bill, for entertainment or for college items.

Here are some of my favorite savings that I've found:

Charlotte Russe: 10%
I love this store. They have cute and fashionable clothing that are always in style. Let's not forget the accessories because I love, love, love their shoes. I'm currently walking around with a wallet that I used my discount on.