Saturday, December 1, 2012

Student Discounts: Your Student Id Can Save Your Wallet

It's that time of year again where people fight over that last furby for their children or go out shopping all day, driving from one location to the next.

All of this shopping, traveling, and having to buy fast food for lunch really takes a toll on your wallet.

Well guess what college students? You're in luck! There are some amazing places to go shopping and save money.

"How oh wonderful wizard Broke College Fashionista?" you ask. Thank you, by the way for those lovely compliments. With a little friend called your Student Id.

Yes your Student Id can save you money in a few different ways. You can use it in stores, on your cell bill, for entertainment or for college items.

Here are some of my favorite savings that I've found:

Charlotte Russe: 10%
I love this store. They have cute and fashionable clothing that are always in style. Let's not forget the accessories because I love, love, love their shoes. I'm currently walking around with a wallet that I used my discount on.

Urban Outfitters: 10%
I can't really afford the clothes here, maybe you can. But my favorite part of this store is the little knick-knacks that they have. They are cute, funny, and at a pretty good price. Add on that discount and you'll have some great gifts for the holidays.

Burger King: 10% off
When you're out and about, sometimes you don't want to stop for a sit down lunch or dinner. You just want to go, go, go. Well save some money for your tummy at Burger King!

The Goodwill Store: 10-20% off
Varying by store, students can save money at an already discounted store! Isn't that awesome? Don't be turned off by the items being used, sometimes they are worn once or only gently used. At a Goodwill store near my home town, they get items that couldn't sell from a Target nearby. My bedsheets and comforter was originally from Target, brand new, still in the plastic. I got at the Goodwill store for around $17 with my discount! Awesome!
AMC Theaters: Discounted Tickets on Thursdays
Want to see that new James Bond movie? Or maybe you're more of a "Wreck-It Ralph" fan? Either way, make sure to choose to watch that movie on a Thrusday because you can get your ticket at a much cheaper price. The AMC near me sold tickets for $6.50 to students on Thrusdays, but be sure to ask your local AMC because prices may vary.

*Things may have changed so just to be sure ask if they have a student discount at the register.

Amazon: Free Trail Prime Membership for 6-months
Many things online are cheaper than in stores, that goes for amazon too. Textbooks, clothes, electronics, toys: you name it I'm sure Amazon has it. Prime Memberships allow you to get 2 day shipping for free! This trial membership is called Amazon Student. To get it you don't need your id, but you do need a valid email with at the end, so it's still a student discount. After the 6 months is over you can get Amazon Prime for half the price!

There are many more savings to have with your Student Id. Here is an article listing some of the discounts. Not all Student Discounts are included on this website so be sure to ask around to see where else you can get discounts. It may not seem like you are saving much, but those $2 or $3 adds up when you think about it.

Until next time! XOXOXO

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