So I was watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show with my roommates and for the most part I really enjoyed it.
The performances were done well overall. Even with Rihanna obviously lip singing, her stage presence, outfit, gestures and overall stage performance on the first song KILLED IT! My favorite of the night. Bruno Mars was amazing and entertaining, unsurprisingly. The Bieber's second performance was pretty good and got me interested. However, Justin Bieber's first performance where he was sitting and singing was kinda random and awkward, but it was nice to stare at his defined-no-longer-a-boy-but-not-quite-a-man face for a while. Rihanna's last song wasn't very good. I wasn't impressed. The most I was impressed with was her smacking a model's butt on the runway. Rihanna, you're a thug.
Going back to my like of Rihanna's first performance, I think a big part of it was the camera shots going on while she performed. Shots of the show were really artistic and absolutely breath taking. Whoever shot the fashion show knew exactly what he or she was doing. They were beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful, so were the models! I have a big crush on Miranda Kerr, along with most of the Victoria Secret models. Girl crushes are okay ladies. Having crushes on girls shows that you appreciate beauty and are confident enough in your sexuality that you are able to admit to having crushes on women when you actually like men. At least that is how I like to think of it. haha!
Now onto the outfits. Most of the outfits were absolutely gorgeous. I'm so jealous that these women get to wear such beautiful outfits, as skimpy as they may be. My favorite was the blue bra and panty set with beautiful jewel embellished wings worn by Magdalena Frackowiak.
However, there were a few outfits I was very. very happy to not have to wear. They were crazy even for Jersey girls. At least this Jersey girl. Maybe the girl's on "Jersey Shore" would love to wear them. But no, just no.
*This post is only half serious, meant to be funny, and based on my opinion. If you have other opinions please have them, but these are my thoughts on the outfits that failed to impress me.
Here they are, the 13 Craziest Outfits on the Victoria's Secret Runway this season (because 13 is also a crazy number):
13. Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!

Ok, I couldn't have been the only one to have thought of this when this outfit came on the runaway. As soon as I said the outfit looks like Buzz Lightyear my roommates screamed in agreement. Now to be honest, I think this outfit is actually pretty cool because, come on, it's Buzz Lightyear! But then again, that's pretty crazy.
12. Don't Rain on my Parade

I don't think I have to explain this, but really, there is nothing sexy about a rain coat. This rain coat is especially not attractive, and would be pretty useless in the rain. The only thing "sexy" is the woman wearing it. Sadly, this outfit makes her not sexy...
10. Bulbasaur

As attractive and hot as Adriana Lima is, this outfit still reminded me of Bulbasaur from my childhood Pokemon playing games. (Who am I kidding? I still play.) But hey, at least she's a sexy bulbasaur! ... Right?
9 Honey, you got something growing on your stomach...

I just don't understand this look... at all. What is attractive about this fuzzy, colorful growth coming out of the middle of the person? And the second looks more like a Turkey; a look that should be been used for the November month that was cut from the show. Didn't notice or want to know why the November look from the Calender part of the show was cut? Go to this link.

I think something inspired this look! And I think it's the pig from the Geico commerical! Okay, maybe that was mean, but this outfit was mean to my eyes, so there. Childish, silly, flashy and just bad.
7. Ooo! Ooo! A monkey!

Another silly and childish look, sock monkey. But the thing is, I think this look could have been really cute- if they used the original brown coloring of the original sock monkey. These colors just don't work and it draws attention away from the really cute bra and panty. Me no like-y.
6. God Bless America!

Now I'm all for America and being patriotic! I love the good old US of A! But really? I think this is just Victoria's Secret trying to hard. They really didn't need to go that far. It's just way too much. It would have been cuter with something like the helmets the girls wore from the "Captain America" movie.
5. Did She Get in an Accident on the Way?

Ouch! That look like it hurt! Wait, that isn't the handlebars of a bike sticking out of her abdomen? Oh it is! But she didn't get in an accident? It's there on purpose? What am I supposed to get out of this? Confusion? Whelp you got me there Victoria's Secret!
4. Tiger on Fire!

Now I understand what they were trying to get at here. Tigers jumping through flaming hoops in the circus, since the theme for this segment was the circus. However, this outfit is completely tacky and not attractive at all. That color blue shoes in that material? WHY?? Fashion crime! I just want to rip it this entire outfit to shreds, even though I'm sure this "tiger" would rip me to shreds first...
3. The Onesie

I'm sorry, there is no way that a onesie is EVER going to be fashionable. EVER! Even if you make it in a cute pattern, that does not make up for it being a onesie. Victoria, stop trying to make onesies happen!
2. Pink Bubbles

I don't think I have to say much. Pink fuzzy balls growing off of a model holding a random black ring. It makes me think of a disease, not a good idea when you're trying to sell sex, if you get my drift.
1. A wild what-cha-call-it?

This outfit is, to put it nicely, confused. It leaves me confused. Is she a bird? Snow White? A hoe? A princess? What am I supposed to get out of this? Well what I get out if this is tackiness, clashing colors, and opposing fabrics. It's like someone said, "Wear what you want!" and the model just rolled in a pile of cloths and whatever stuck to her is what she put on. I'm feeling so much dislike for this outfit. This outfit needs to be thrown away.
Again these are just my opinions, I am not trying to attack anyone. This was just for fun and to be current with the fashion of the times!
Now I know that being Broke College Student even just one of these outfits, even the bad ones, would probably pay for my bachelors degree and maybe even a graduates! So I have absolutely no reason to be bashing these multi-thousand dollar outfits. But then again because they are worth a lot shouldn't they look really high quality and fashionable?
Who knows? Maybe you do! Leave a comment on your thoughts on my opinions, the runway show or anything else!
See all of the outfits at the VS All Access Runway Insider.
Until next time! XOXOXO
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